Monday, 6 June 2016

Friends for Festivals & Nights Out?

Hello my lovely people! 

Today I come to you with something amazing... and something I really could have used back when i went to concerts on my own, wanted to go party and had no one to go with, or dragged my mother along to watch me cry when Justin Bieber came out on stage...

It's a nifty little FREE app called Prelinks and you can find it on the app store! It's so cool, oh my GOSH I could have used this back in the days! Basically what it is is a Tinder of the music festival world... I know right?! You know all those memes online which say "I wish there was a Tinder for friends" THIS IS IT! This is your answer! And the best thing is, you and your new friends are all joined together with the love of the same music & partying. This has the potential to make you have the most amazing summer and make so many new friends, and so many great memories.

This is the first screen you see once you've logged in with Facebook, (and they don't post on your Facebook, what a blessing!) and you scroll through a tonne of festivals, which are handily all in order of the months they are coming in! E.G Glastonbury, T in the Park etc. AND if you put in what University you go to, all the local events at the nightclubs will pop up too and you can find friends to go out with there or meet at the bar! Once you've selected the festival/event you're going to, a message pops up with the amount of people who have also said they are attending that festival and then you can swipe through them left of right to whether you think they would be a suitable friend match for your day! Once they've seen you're interested, it'll pop up on their phone and they'll be able to chat to you and then you can get to know eachother and get super excited about your festival together!!

I'm going to be honest with you, I think this is one of the best app inventions ever made, and I can't wait for it to go big and go global because I know and have seen so many people over the internet who want to go to festivals, or make a last minute decision to go to an event at a club and none of their mates can or don't want to go and then there's always one person left who doesn't really want to go to a festival or a club on their own - and now you don't have to! Prelinks is going to be a massive help within the friends community, and hey, if you end up 'like-liking' eachother from this all I guess you got a bit extra... haha! 

I've downloaded this app myself, (download it here at and it's so easy to use it's unbelievable. You set up your own profile, add in your University details if you want (but if you're not a student you can still use the app!), choose your photos and if you want to see Men or Women, and you're off to go! Also, the colours of this app are so lovely... and I think that's a really weird thing to like but you know when something is just so satisfying to the eye? It's always a pleasure to use something that you enjoy the look of haha!

So yeah, download it and tell me what you think!! I think it's wonderful, and I can't wait to make loads of new friends through the power of this app.

Don't forget to let me know if you use it! I'd love to know what you think, and if you have made any friends (or lovers!) through this app. Happy Prelinking!

Keep Smiling,
Paige x

*All views are of my own.